Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nice way to start the day...from a msgboard this AM...think about this as you vote next week...

"The money is gone. It does not exist anymore.
Your money, their money, gov. money, your kids money....

Its Gone.

Every month, we pull money from the budget to pay SS.
And that trend is going up.

Its going away,,
one way or the other.

Number of folks that pay is going down.
Number of folks that get paid, going up.

None of the money was saved, it comes in and than it goes out.

The Math does not care.

Its not who's money it is or is not.
The money is gone.

The feds are having treasury auctions, several times a week.
We borrow 40% of the federal budget, now.
And we borrow it every month.

Tax income is going down, expenses go up.

It ends, badly.

We stop it now, it ends less badly.
We wait, it gets worse.

AARP is not going to save the day.
The demos are not going to save the day.

The promise cannot be kept.

The folks paying SS, now, no money is getting saved.
It goes out the door.

The folks paying SS, now, are paying for SS monthly payments.

SS will grow to more then the US can tax,
and than it stops.

Or the workers will vote to cut it.

Right, wrong the money is gone.
The folks working to pay your monthly SS check did not spend it."
