Monday, November 26, 2007

International banks get dragged into financial crisis’ « black hole »:

Four triggering factors of a major financial bankruptcy

LEAP/E2020 now estimates that at least one large US financial institution (bank, insurance, investment fund) will file for bankruptcy before February 2008, sparking off bankruptcies among a series of other financial institutions and banks in Europe (in the UK especially), in Asia and in various emerging countries... (page 2)
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Factor N° 1 - Drastic drop in revenues for banks operating in the US
The CDOs altogether are now dragged into a general confidence crisis, and they represent a large part of bank assets since, in the past few years, large banks from lenders became investors and speculators, like hedge funds… (page 4)
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Factor N°2 - Slumping value of assets owned by these banks resulting from new US banking regulation (FASB regulation 157)
On November 15, 2007, a regulatory factor, the FASB 157 standard (designed to enhance transparency of financial statements of financial institutions operating in the US) speeds up the pace of financial organisations’ collapses (American and others)… (page 7)
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Factor N°3 – Increasing weakness of bond insurers
Bond insurers are financial markets’ « supports ». Completely unknown to the public today, their names could soon become as common as the word « subprime » has… (page 9)
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Factor N°4 – Economic recession in the US
As a complement to our anticipations of the impact of the US economic recession for banks operating in the US, we find it useful to analyse here how much US official statistics have become totally surrealistic… (page 12)
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Strategic advice / Operational recommendations for the intention of individual investors, corporate treasurers, financial operators(page 15)
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GlobalEurometre - Results & Analyses
The Europeans seem to make no illusion on the evolution of US policies after the next presidential election, with 65% of the respondents who estimate that G. W. Bush’s successor will not change significantly the American policy… (page 17) (En savoir +)