Sunday, May 30, 2010

Get Ready For The Oil To Gush Into August...May 30, 2010, 2:35 PM
Slowly, they let out the truth....

Joe Weisenthal | May 30, 2010, 2:35 PM

Good luck finding someone who actually thinks the LMRP is going to work. At best it will capture some of the oil, and at worst, it could cause the spill rate to increase 20%, since it involves removing the bused blowout preventer, which is mitigating things somewhat.

Today on Face The Nation, Obama environmental advisor Carol Browner said what may have been the most honest thing yet: you should probably expect oil to gush until August.

In other words, the oil-soaked wetlands are just the beginning, in all likelihood.

If you want to read what an environmental nightmare looks, read this account of what the oil could do to the encironmental ecosystem around Florida. Or better yet, don't click and try to enjoy the weekend.